Produse pentru pin scoarț (16)

Rumeguș de lemn

Rumeguș de lemn

Our Hardwood Sawdust is composed of very small wood chips that contain a minimal amount of moisture, allowing it to be virtually dust free. The majority of Sawdust is Poplar and contains no species that would be harmful to animals.
Rădăcină de lemn dulce

Rădăcină de lemn dulce

Liquorice root is a sweet, dried root indigenous to the Middle East and Central Asia. It is harvested, cleaned, and dried to be used in a variety of culinary applications. Liquorice adds a sweet flavor to cakes, baked goods, and desserts like ice creams and panna cotta. It is also used as a natural sweetener in coffee blends and to enhance the sweetness of gamy meats. To maintain its flavor, liquorice root should be stored in airtight containers, away from light and moisture.


Mulc de scoarță

Mulc de scoarță

Unser Rindenmulch zeichnet sich durch seine besondere Naturbelassenheit aus und wird ohne Zusatz künstlicher Stoffe geliefert Rindenmulch Unser Rindenmulch zeichnet sich durch seine besondere Naturbelassenheit aus und wird ohne Zusatz künstlicher Stoffe geliefert. Er trägt erheblich zu einer Verbesserung der Bodenqualität bei, indem sich beispielsweise Kleinstlebewesen und Mikroorganismen ansammeln. Im Sommer schützt er den Boden vor Austrocknung, dabei reicht in der Regel eine Stärke von etwa 10 cm aus.
biscuit condimentat

biscuit condimentat

spiced Bisquit


Le foin rappelle le parfum des pâturages d’herbes. Il délivre une touche verte combinée à un tabac doux, et des notes sucrées donnant des effets chaleureux. Particulièrement adapté dans les accords fougères, il peut être utilisé dans les parfums fins et les cosmétiques. Ref:P00548513000
Fâșii de mesteacăn

Fâșii de mesteacăn

Fuel birchen briquettes RUF - эis effective and cost-efficient fuel type for furnaces, fireplaces, positive-pressure boilers, wood stoves and heater units, as well as for other solid fuel heating systems. Briquettes are produced from milled birch chips of fine fraction and birch sanding dust on hydrostatic press of high pressure. Briquettes have regular geometric shape, they are convenient for storage and transport. Size of one RUF fuel briquette is 150*60*100 mm. Industrial chips GOST 15815-83 are chips for pulp and paper and hydrolytic productions, manufacture of wood chipboards and fibreboards. Depending on products manufactured of pulp chips, the permissible content of different timber species is determined (coniferous: pinewood chips; broadleaved species: oak, birch chips). Fire wood chips are wood chips for the production of calorific energy. Compared to industrial chips, there are no general requirements for fire wood chips. Fire wood chips are produced by processing wood...
Cipsuri din Lemn de Fag

Cipsuri din Lemn de Fag

Our wood substrates are made exclusively from selected, untreated beech from european forests. This guarantees the best quality of natural raw materials. The beechwood trunks used are processed using a special procedure. The chopped wood is fractionated into various sizes, dedusted, cleaned and dried.
Grâu spart

Grâu spart

Blé concassé
Grăunță de orz

Grăunță de orz

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Tăietură de friptură

Tăietură de friptură

Steak Cut sachet 2.5kg
Floarea pasiunii

Floarea pasiunii

Fructe Uscate

Fructe Uscate

Entières et grillées, en pâte, farine ou bien brisures, les noisettes Rogelfrut sont prêtes à vous faire réaliser tous vos rêves. Unité de vente Noisettes entières grillées, brisures et caramélisées en sachets sous-vide de 1 kg et 500 gr Farine de Noisette en sachets sous-vide de 500 gr Pâte de Noisette en boite de conserve de 5 kg ou seau plastique de 10 kg Noisettes Premium Noisettes entières grillées, Brisures de noisettes, Pâtes de noisettes, Noisettes décortiquées Noisettes Extra Noisettes entières grillées, Brisures de noisettes, Pâtes de noisettes, Noisettes décortiquées, Farine de noisettes, Brisures de noisettes caramélisées
Ramuri bifurcate

Ramuri bifurcate

Robinia round wood is the most natural form of the robinia. The robinia wood for our round timbers is sanded, de-splinted and chamfered by us. Robinia is the only European type of wood that has resistance class 1-2 (DIN EN 350-2) and can also be used in direct earthworks. The areas of application for robinia wood are extremely varied, whether in public or private areas, robinia is not only a very beautiful wood to look at, its properties are also very versatile. Robinio will be happy to put together the optimal deliveries for the respective projects. Climbing gardens Public area (bridges / benches / playgrounds) Kindergartens Elementary schools Gardening and landscaping Carports Privacy screen Bank protection Coastal defense Limitations Architects
Frunze de dud

Frunze de dud

gli alberi di gelso producono bacche aromatiche apprezzate in tutto il mondo e spesso considerate supercibi a causa della concentrazione di vitamine, minerali e potenti composti vegetali. Tuttavia, il frutto non è l'unica parte dell'albero di gelso che si dice offra benefici per la salute. Per secoli, le sue foglie sono state utilizzate nella medicina tradizionale come trattamento naturale per una varietà di condizioni. Si dice che abbia effetti positivi sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue e di insulinaInoltre, si ritiene che riduca i rischi di aterosclerosi diminuendo l'ossidazione del colesterolo nei vasi sanguigni. Inoltre, si dice che aiuti a prevenire il diabete limitando l'ingresso in circolo dell'elevata quantità di monosaccaridi.Usi: le foglie di gelso sono utilizzate principalmente per il tè. Versa 1 cucchiaino per tazza (250 ml) di acqua bollente e copri per 3-5 minuti a seconda dei tuoi gusti. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
Așchii de Lemn de Alun

Așchii de Lemn de Alun

Erlenholz erzeugt einen neutralen, ausgewogenen Rauch, der seit langem bei Sportlern zum Räuchern von Lachs, Forelle, Meeresfrüchten und eigentlich allen anderen Fleischsorten beliebt ist. Aufgrund der neutralen Eigenschaften von Erle lässt es sich hervorragend mit anderen Holzarten, insbesondere Obstholz, kombinieren. Wenn Sie Erle zu Fleisch wie Steak, Rippchen und Rinderbrust verwenden, mischen Sie Erle mit unseren Obstholzarten wie Apfel und Kirsche, um einen köstlichen Geschmack zu erhalten, den Sie sicher lieben werden. Alle unsere Holzspäne werden gründlich getrocknet und von der bitteren Baumrinde befreit, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie den maximalen Rauch aus 100 % natürlichem Holz erhalten. Die Holzspäne werden präzise gemahlen, um eine gleichmäßige, gleichmäßige Verbrennung zu gewährleisten. Alle Taschen haben ein Gewicht von 1,75 LB (794 g), 242 und 3,96 l.